This quote concludes our month of Bitesize Inspiration from Eric Carle. It was always my intention to focus on one person each month for inspiration but I'm surprised that my first one was Carle. I've learnt a lot about him and his creative life. This quote came from this article here , and was in reference to his own upbringing and time spent reading with his father. There is so much love and warmth to be had when reading with a child. As Carle says, it really does cultivate a sense of security, belonging and wellbeing in both parent and child. I find it really sad when I hear people say they are too busy to read to their kids but it's okay because they play them audio books (I've actually heard this a few times over the years). I'm a big fan of audio books as an adult and they certainly have their place, but nothing beats that quality time spent with a parent who can put on silly voices, explain new words and engage with the text - all while having a little snugg...