Do you remember the article I wrote earlier this year about cultivating discernment? (you can read it here if you're interested). I think that Eric Carle has summed up that idea perfectly in this week's Bitesize Inspiration. As long as our eye sight is good, then we have to look at things each and everyday - that is what our eyes are for. If we are placing disaster, tragedy and trauma in front of ourselves everyday then that is going to have an impact on our brain and consequently our psyche. Not only can Carle's words refer to the beauty of art but also to other content that we choose to give our time and attention to.
Some of my favourite Instagram accounts to follow are museums, in particular Rijks Museum (Amsterdam) and architectural accounts with beautiful designs and interiors. I unfollowed the news accounts that I had been following because I found it too depressing to come onto the Instagram. Now, I only follow things that uplift and inspire me. Beautiful cartoons like Mouse Interiors, creative cookery like Pasta Grannies and photographic accounts such Kiliii Yuyan from National Geographic. Not to mention all the beautiful book photography photos that I love to gawk at!
Finally, this quote is also reminiscent of the beautiful scripture, Philippians 4:8:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Yes, think about them, but perhaps first put them in front of your eyes to guide your thoughts in the right direction. I'm not saying hide away from the bad things in the world or be delusional about what's going on, but make sure the balance is weighted more to the beauty and wonder.
What do you think of Carle's quote this week? Do you agree? Thanks for stopping by this Monday, and as always, have a lovely week!
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