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Bitesize Inspiration: Truth with Isaac Newton


Hello all! It's been quite some time since I've posted on here and if you've popped back in then I thank you for your patience and interest. I hit a bit of a creative wall and upon reading this beautiful quote by Isaac Newton I got thinking. I needed silence and I needed to meditate on what I was sharing and what the point of it was. There are so many wonderful blogs and websites on the internet - was I really contributing anything worthwhile? I sat with these questions for quite some time and I'm not really sure that the answer is yes, but I do know that today I felt inspired to share this with you and a few other things that have crossed my path recently. 

I think the biggest take away we can have from this quote is the search for truth. If we are really interested in finding the truth in any aspect of our lives then we need silence and we need the time to ponder. Not necessarily stew or worry excessively, but quiet reflective time. If there are any areas of uncertainty in your life at the moment (goodness knows there are plenty in mine!) then I advise you to take Newton's words to heart. Silence is the big part - we don't have to share or talk endlessly about our concerns, especially if they are pertinent to our own lives. We can seek advice from those we trust of course, but truth should always come from within. What we know and feel to be right. So, on that note, I will leave you with this Bitesize Inspiration and the notice that there will be a couple more posts in the coming weeks of things I would like to share with you. 

Again, thanks for stopping by and thanks to those of you who have left comments or reached out via email during my time off. I really appreciate it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Marceline! Thanks so much for your patience and for popping back in here. I hope you've been keeping well x

  2. Very happy to find your post today; I've often sent good wishes winging your way during your break. I honestly can't imagine all the difficulties in blogging, but I'm so appreciative of those who do blog still! Your posts are always thoughtful, interesting and beautifully presented. I've learned a lot here. Thank you Kirsty.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Erina. I'm so glad that you find something useful here, because I often doubt that I'm adding anything of value to this big internet! It is a very thoughtful process for me and I don't want to post something if I don't really have meaningful anything to say. Thanks for your patience and I hope you are doing well x


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