This January has been a bit atypical in the garden. November and December were very hot here in south-east Australia and a lot of the grass died off earlier than usual. January, however, has been peppered with cooler days and rain. Generally it is the time that we get some of our worst thunderstorms which have arrived this week. The days have been 30*C plus and then there are storms at night. We even had hail this week, but thankfully they were only tiny pieces and didn't do any damage. Spending time in the garden is always a relaxing and therapeutic activity for me. This year I have decided I'd like to cultivate more flowers in the garden; something that I find even more enjoyable and less strenuous than vegetable growing! Last year when I dropped my bundle I spent very little time in the garden - and I'm beginning to think that one may have been affected by the other. There is something so mindful, grateful and grounding about working with soil, plants, animals and natur...
John Burroughs said that the smallest deed is better than the greatest intention. At this time of year everyone is talking about intentions and setting goals for the new year . I don't think there is anything wrong with that at all. In fact, I enjoy setting a new word each year to guide my thoughts, actions, way of living and attitude in the coming year. These are all things that I try and do constantly anyway to live a healthier, more mindful simple life. I see this (or these) word more as a guiding light than a rigid goal that must be abided by (I tend to rebel when I impose too many restrictions or boundaries on myself 😏). Before setting a goal, or guiding light as I'm calling them this year, it's important to have a conversation with yourself and really figure out what's going well in your life. Don't think of problems that need to be fixed - instead view things in a more positive light. What do you want more of this year? What do you need to guide you to the l...