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Bitesize Inspiration: On Gratitude with Aesop

As we approach the end of the year, it is a nice time for many of us to stop, reflect and give thanks for what we have, who we have, and where we are in our lives. I know many of you enjoy the celebration of Thanksgiving, a mindset built around the idea of gratitude and giving thanks. For those of us who don't have a day to focus on this, I thought the beginning of December (and of Advent in our household), would be a good time to express our gratitude. We have a little advent calendar in our house with different activities and ideas in each day's pocket. The 2nd December says "talk about what you are thankful for." For me this week, I am thankful for the rain but also for the rainbows and the sun that have followed. In the bigger picture, I am thankful for our home, my family, my job, and my faith. 

This quote by Aesop is a telling one. Living in a time when philosophy, religion and storytelling were all deemed as admirable qualities, one can assume that when he uses the term "noble" he is not referring to class, wealth or status. Born a slave himself, Aesop is renowned for the many fables and legends that have been attributed to his name. He was a storyteller and a traveller and he met with many wealthy kings and leaders from around the Aegean. And yet, what he valued as "noble" was gratitude. Not power, not intelligence, not wealth. But gratitude. Something we can all cultivate and appreciate every day of our lives, regardless of where or when we live. Some days, it is harder than others! But there is always something to be grateful for. And very rarely can people take away our gratitude. It belongs to us and the more we look after it, the more we will have. This, in my opinion, is a truly noble goal indeed. 

Would you like to share something that you are grateful for? I'd love to hear them in the comments if you would.

Have a lovely week and thank you for stopping by.


  1. I am grateful for my luscious frugal live in beautiful Victoria BC

    1. I love that use of language! Thanks so much for sharing x


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