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Bitesize Inspiration: Hope with Robert Alden


I absolutely love this quote and when I came across it again recently in my reading I knew I wanted to share it for Advent. Even if you aren't a follower of an organised religion or have a deep connection to a spiritual journey, I think there is much to be said about this time of year of peace, hope, waiting, and love. We can get caught up in all the bad things that are going on in the world but Advent and Christmas are meant to be times when we can focus on love, beauty and hope for the future. 

The smallest acts of hope and kindness can mean the most to those who are suffering, especially at this time of year. I have just come back from a shopping trip on the other side of town and I was impressed by how kind and helpful the shop assistants were. There was no panic, no rudeness or impatience. One shop attendant even chatted with me about the weather! I was on a mission to get my shopping done and had to slow myself down to appreciate the moment for what it was - a blessing to connect with another person at this time of year. I found everything that I needed (and in record time) but that little conversation has stayed with me and brought joy to my heart. I wonder if he realises the light that he is bringing to the world, and I wonder in what ways I can pass that light on.

What flickerings of hope have you come across this advent season? How are spreading a feeling of peace and joyful anticipation? I hope you have a lovely, blessed week and as always, thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. I was lamenting the lack of Christmas "Spirit" in my home this week and mentioned it to my husband today as we were on our way for him to perform for a ministry. He'd just said we likely wouldn't go to the big Christmas program our church is doing and I was feeling a bit blue. But when we returned home today one of the construction guys was still in the house working and we three got to talking and had the most awesome time speaking of spiritual matters, giving testimonies, etc. I think we all felt we were right where we ought to be, with the people we were meant to be with and somehow I can't feel sad that we've missed that big program I so wanted to see this morning! All because this one man said "We've got to be a light to the world..." and there we were!

    1. Beautiful! Isn't it amazing when moments of unexpected grace and blessings can pop up like that? We have to be awake and ready for those moments, and hold onto those happy feelings that they bring.
      I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, even if it is a bit quieter this year. Thanks so much for being part of our little community here; it means so much to me.
      Blessings, Kirsty x


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