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Bitesize Inspiration: A Birthday with Christina Rossetti


This beautiful poem often comes to mind this time of year because we celebrate a number of birthdays throughout September in our family, my own included. Although called, A Birthday, the poem is not necessarily about a birthday as such, but rather pertains to a time when something momentous happens (my love is come to me) and thus the poet is born anew. 

We often talk about a new year being the start of something new, a time when we can refresh or reset our lives. Birthdays, anniversaries, Mondays, the beginning of a new month or season, when we move, start a new job or fall in love can all be considered times when we are reborn and can start living our lives the way we want to. We don't need to wait for our actual date of birth to reconsider our lives, be lifted into glorious heights of bliss or to take the first step in a new direction. The beautiful message in Rosetti's poem, couched in the most gorgeous of imagery, reminds us that we can be reborn at anytime and that it can be something magical. 

What do you think? Can you see a new phase or season in your life as rebirth? A new birthday, as it were? Do you do something special on your actual birthday to mark the passing of time or is New Year's more the time for reflection and goal making? This year, I plan to make goals on my birthday for the coming year (something I haven't done before) and plan to reframe my thinking so as celebrate in glorious splendour and joy. Truly, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Have a lovely week, and thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. I wish you a most joyous birthday Kirsty! A birthday always seems like a personal New Year to me, with all the cleanliness and hope. We should try to welcome every one. Another trip around the sun! Have a beautiful week.


    1. Thank you so much Erina! I have spent this week reflecting a lot, planning on some goals and looking forward to the coming year. Every year that we get to celebrate another trip around the sun is a blessing indeed. I am very grateful.
      Hope you are keeping well! xx

  2. I celebrate many New Year moments all through the year, with change of seasons, holidays, birthdays and just major life events that occur. It always makes me feel there is a fresh page before me to be filled!

    1. I know you're all over this, Terri, I see it on your own blog! Always reflecting and planning forwards is a great way to keep on track with goals, values, dreams and life in general. Thanks for stopping in x


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