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Bitesize Inspiration: Problem Solving with Burroughs


There are a number of things that I find inspiring about this quote. First of all, it reminds us that being patient and being able to waiting are learnt skills. We are not all born with infinite patience, and I know sometimes that I compare myself to other, more patient people and become frustrated. This reminds me that all patience is a process. We need to work on it and we need to recognise the need to learn how to be patient.

Secondly, it highlights the need to relax when dealing with an issue or a stressful problem. How many times have become more and more worked up trying to figure out the best way to deal with a problem? More times than you can count? Me too! Last week, I was particularly stressed about an assignment I was doing for my accounting course. I couldn't figure it out. I rose early and instead of worrying about it, I meditated. I prayed. I went about my normal business, even spending some time outside. Then when I went to my class that afternoon I was in the right state of mind (ie not frustrated and overwhelmed) to understand that problem and answer it. This is just a really small example but it made a big impact on me. For the last week I've been trying hard to apply that lesson to other areas of my life. 

Thirdly, it is our mind that will find the answer. Not in a book, not online, not through another person's opinion. More often than not we already know the best way to approach a problem, we just don't like it! Our mind knows what we need to do, we just don't always want to accept it. It might sound a bit new-agey (coming from Burroughs and his Beat Generation mentality, that's understandable) but I believe there is a lot to take from this idea. Trusting ourselves, our mind and our instincts is the best way to find the answer to a problem. By all means, seek advice, research other ideas and so on, but in the end, rely on your mind and your 'gut feeling' to find an answer.

What do you think of Burroughs' approach to problem solving? Do you agree? Do other strategies work for you?

Have a lovely week, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love this quote. I've always said that in writing, especially in my journal, I often get answers to questions. I think it's because I've quieted my mind and there goes my pen revealing the answer to what was bothering me and why.

    1. It's amazing what answers the mind can come up with if it's only allowed some peace and quiet! And you're right, Terri, journalling is a great way to get that.


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