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Bitesize Inspiration: On Thought with St Paul


I am amazed that this is the first Bitesize Inspiration that I have taken from the Bible. There is so much wisdom to be found there, whether you are a Christian believer or not. Today's quote is a well-known one, perhaps you've heard it before or even heard it paraphrased. I did recently in a book written by the Dalai Lama! He too said that what we focus our thoughts on, we become in our hearts. This was also a belief of the Stoics, from whom I have drawn inspiration many times. Epictetus said, if you want to do something, make a habit of it. 

If we want to truthful, honourable, just, lovely, then we must make a habit out of these things. And the first step to form such a habit is to control our thoughts. The more time and energy we give to thoughts that are dark, negative or destructive, then that is the habit that we are cultivating. I need this timely reminder right now, so it's good that I'm writing this post today! My word for 2023 is Joy and this quote reminds me that I won't be joyful or inspire joy in others if I don't control my thoughts and make a habit out of thinking more joyful ones. It's simple really, and I feel a bit silly adding this post in, but perhaps, like me, you need this little reminder today. I think it's a good one for the start of a new year, but it works equally well at the start of a new month, a new week and a new day. Habits take time after all.

Are there any new habits you're hoping for this year?


  1. So perfect and so timely for me, too. Thanks for including inspiration from the Bible

    1. Thank you Marceline! I read the Bible regularly so should be including some more bitesize inspiration! Not sure what took me so long :)

  2. I have gotten into the habit of complaining. Ugh. This year I'm working on giving up that habit and this is a good reminder of where to put my mind instead!


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