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Bitesize Inspiration: Perspective with Abraham Lincoln


Our perspective, or how we choose to look at things, is absolutely something that we have control over. Some may argue that our bad outlook on life isn't our fault, it's due to past trauma or a wrong that was never made right, but I truly believe that how we choose to look at life is entirely up to us. It might take a while to train our thoughts, but if we always choose to rejoice because thorn bushes have roses, then we are choosing hope and we are choosing optimism. 

This lovely quote was taken from the rose gardens of the Botanic Gardens that I visited recently. It was painted on the ceiling of a gorgeous pagoda in the middle of the roses, with other wise rose-inspired quotes. This one, however, was a reminder to me (and I thought you might like it too) that as we are approaching a new year, how we see things matters. How I choose to look at my life, obstacles, challenges and all, are all a matter of perspective. I can complain that my roses have thorns - and believe me, I've been known to do that! - or I can change how I view that glorious thorn bush and rejoice that it has such beautiful flowers. I hope this quote stays with me as I enter into 2023, and if it speaks to you, then I hope it stays with you also. 


  1. Wonderful post -- but then, I really enjoy ALL your posts!

    1. Thank you Marceline. I wish you a very happy new year and hope that 2023 brings you much joy and peace.
      Kirsty x

  2. What a nice way to put it, Abe...I need to write this at the front of my journal for the new year to remind me to complain less and be more grateful.

    1. What a great idea Terri! Thank you so much for your support over the last year, it has meant so much to me every time that you commented or stopped by. I wish you a peaceful and joy-filled 2023.
      Kirsty x


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