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Bitesize Inspiration: Agatha Christie on Time


Does this week's Bitesize Inspiration resonate with you? When Agatha Christie, one of my favourite authors, made this quote in her autobiography, it was during a time when life was considered slower than it is today (she began the autobiography in 1950 and finished it in 1965). The technology boom that we are now living through was still in the future, and yet people still felt strapped for time. It amazes me how much time we lose to technology and the endless opportunities to be distracted and waste time online. This quote resonated with me, especially when I got my weekly screen time update on my phone. I was amazed to see how many hours had been wasted doing nothing and I'm making a conscious effort this week to get off the screens and to get productive, enjoy the day, spend time with my family and get outdoors. It is obvious that I have the time, I just haven't been making wise choices with how I choose to spend it. If this is something you are struggling with at the moment too, then I hope Christie's words are a timely encouragement. 

Have a lovely week friends. I hope you have the time to do the things that you really enjoy. 


  1. Here is the wall I bump against all of the time! I'm making a conscious effort to shut off the screens and DO things instead of dreaming of what I'd like to do.

  2. Absolutely Terri! It's a reminder that sometimes we just don't have enough time in our day, but other times, we do and we're just not making good choices on how to spend it. A bit like our money, I suppose ;)
    Thanks for stopping by!


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