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Inspired by the Classics: 6 Ways to Add Some Classical Style to Your Life


There are many ways to define classic and classical, especially when it comes to style. But I like the Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary's version of classic (style):

                  made in a simple elegant style not much affected by changes in fashion

The simple ways I have chosen to add some classical style to your life, I think, fit this bill rather nicely. I have also used the definition of classical to guide my list:

of ancient Greek or Roman literature or art

Put these two definitions together and you get our list! So, without further ado, read on to see how you can add some classic, classical style to your life!

1. Paintings

There are so many pictures of life in Ancient Greece and Rome to choose from that I didn't know how to choose those which made the cut here! First of all, I had to choose my all-time favourite painting, Dolce far niente, which means the sweetness of doing nothing by John William Waterhouse. 

Paintings or prints like these evoke beautiful memories of the past and can be used with a variety of different decors. See more Dolce far niente inspired paintings here.

Other paintings around my house that depict scenes from classical antiquity are a set of three by Sidney Long, one of my favourite Australian artists. These include:

The Spirit of the Plains



These three paintings live above our bed and create such a sense of nostalgia for the classical period. I love them.

If you are talented or have a talented friend, try painting a picture that evokes dolce far niente or other classical pursuits. This beautiful oil painting was done by a close family friend and has a cherished spot in my little office-nook. The lady's hair, clothing and serene expression never fail to calm my spirit and remind me to slow down a little.

2. Statues, Busts and Vases

Statues, busts and vases deserve their own section for magical everyday Classical style as they were so prolific during the classical period and come in a variety of shapes and forms. A taste for everyone, so to speak. One of the busts that I own is of Hippocrates. He is only about 15cm tall and sits proudly on our piano reminding us to first do no harm. 

I even found some gorgeous looking Greek busts turned into pot plants for the green thumbs on etsy!

My paternal grandfather was Greek and my mum still has a lovely collection of Greek vases from my grandparents' house. I don't have any photos of these unfortunately, but a quick search on ebay and etsy brought up a number of styles and shapes. They can even be found in second hand shops, as they were particularly popular in the 1970s.

The most popular ones were orange paintings of sport, gods or past-time scenes on a black background, but as I said, there is something for every taste and style to be found.

3. Leather Sandals

As we head into warmer spring weather it is time to dust off the sandals and embrace the sunshine. Nothing says Classical style more than a pair of Greek sandals. These were quite popular a few years ago, often described as gladiator sandals, but there are still many types of leather sandals available today. 
Again, etsy has a great selection but so do many standard shoe shops. Look around for your favourite style! I'm currently eyeing off these two styles...


4. Flowing silk skirts or dresses

As with the sandals, long flowing skirts of natural fibres such as silk and linen are perfectly classical and will bring style and comfort to your life. This one of mine is from Argentina but I think it works for a classical look!

Find long skirts and dresses at second-hand shops or search etsy for a more original or vintage look. 

5. Gold jewellery

My sisters and I inherited some gold Greek jewellery from our dearly departed grandmother and it is so stylish and easy to wear. First of all, is this gorgeous bracelet with the pretty Greek motifs on it. 

Again, etsy has some great pieces at reasonable prices but if you prefer the hunt, check out second-hand shops for Greek-inspire gold jewellery. If you do look on etsy, a search Greek gold jewellery will inevitably bring up the gold-coin necklace. I have one of these, although, to be honest, it is Turkish (that's Ataturk on my coin). Here it is on a gold chain and is nestled next to a Greek orthodox crucifix. 

6. Books

And what would a Classical style list be without books? Sitting with your flowing silk skirt, leather sandals and gold bracelet under a tree with a copy of Homer's The Odyssey or Herodotus' Histories in hand is the ultimate in classical style. In fact, it screams dolce far niente!

How do you make your life more classical? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.


  1. "The Sweetness of Doing Nothing" could be my motto for retirement ... but what is happening with that feathery circle?

    1. Lol, I think it's a fan!! Can't you imagine idle days with nothing to do but lie about a fan yourself with feathers??!!


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