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Bitesize Inspiration: Simplicity with Virginia Woolf

It's taken me exactly eleven weeks (the year to date) to realise that I have overloaded myself and I'm not coping very well. Although I have left my teaching job, I have picked up extra work in the office where I have been doing some bookkeeping, plus I'm also helping a friend out with babysitting one day a week. Suddenly, like Virigina Woolf, I find myself craving simplicity and to stop the rush. I'm out the door early four days a week (and I know many people do the same and more!) but I'm a low-energy person and I suffer from overwhelm quite easily. It's quite counter-cultural to admit this and it's taken me a long-time to accept the fact that I am simply a low-energy person and cannot do all the things, all the time. 

This was the guiding thought behind my moving to a more simple, slow literary life and yet this year I seem to have forgotten not only the goal but the motivation behind it. It has taken this mini-episode for me to realise that I need to simplify once more. I hate to let people down, but at times like this I need to be my own champion and stand up for what I need. And at this point in time it is to "sit here for ever with bare things."

Do you ever feel overwhelm or have you been a low-energy person? I'd love to hear your thoughts on Woolf's quote in the comments below. Have a lovely week and thank you for stopping by.



  1. Your post certainly resonates with me, a low-energy person. I really wish I weren't.
    Thanks for keeping on with your lovely blog.

  2. Oh dear, chalk me up as a slow literary living person too. I do agree with you and Virginia Woolf. It's all too easy to let commitments pile up, as you've shared here. And only just into April now.


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