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Bitesize Inspiration: The Pursuit of Knowledge with Mary Shelley


If you have not read Mary Shelley's classic novel, Frankenstein, let me assure you that it touches on some of those most important issues of our time - even though it was first published in 1818. Ethics, morality, human suffering, the importance of nature - all of these are addressed in a meaningful way and can contribute to the way we view our own lives today. 

This quote demonstrates something that we have talked about quite a lot here on the blog, and that is the idea of how we choose to spend our time. In understanding ourselves, what is best for our minds and bodies, how to use our time wisely, then we are already steps ahead in enjoying a life of contentment and overall satisfaction. It is easy to 'study' the lives of others, make comparisons, waste time, criticise or judge, and generally work to 'destroy your taste for the simple pleasures,' - in fact our society makes it really easy for us!

We have the choice to decide who we study, who we go to for inspiration, and where we spend our valuable time and money. We know what this looks like, because we often feel guilty, unsatisfied, uninspired, or critical when we have spent time in places that do not nurture our true selves.

Of course, this is simply my interpretation of Shelley's quote - what do you think of it? Does it say something different to you? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 

Have a very lovely week, especially with this change of season, and please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. There is a lot of turmoil in the world right now, even in our own little worlds, so it's important that we are making wise choices and support ourselves and our loved ones with love, nourishing food, wise words, and hopeful thoughts. 
