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Bitesize Inspiration: Kindness with Amelia Earhart

I don't know much about Amelia Earhart, other than the obvious, but I imagine that she must have been a warm-hearted person to make such a comment. Before "random acts of kindness" were a cool, social media trend, Earhart was already reflecting on their ability to spread, multiply and subsequently make the world a better place. When someone does something unexpectedly kind for us, it can really make our day! And, in turn, we feel inspired to pass on that feeling through another act of kindness. It does not have to be random. It does not have to be to a stranger. Yesterday, my daughter had an exam and I sent her a little email wishing her good luck and included a gif of a cartoon panda with pom poms. I said we were "cheering her on!" She didn't see it before her exam, but did see it afterwards and replied saying, thanks Mum, you're so sweet! And she was grinning when she came home in the afternoon. It only took me a minute but she returned the act to me and I felt good too. Simple! Little acts, little steps but big results.

Do you have an act of kindness story to share? I'd love to hear it!

Have a great week,
