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Bitesize Inspiration: Contentment with Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

 Have you heard that saying, bloom where you're planted? Macaulay's quote today is based on that thought, but builds a deep foundation within it. Yes, it is a good thing to be able to thrive where we are in our life but look what she is also saying - "glad are we when we don't fret about what cannot be changed at that time."

We have a lot of choices in our lives these days, more than what our ancestors ever did. Sometimes we can change our jobs, we can change where we live, we can even change our life partners. And sometimes we can't - or we can but we choose not to because it would be too difficult/doesn't align with our beliefs/or simply is not convenient at that time. 

Time has become a precious commodity, both as a society and for us as individuals. Sometimes we think that if something can't be done straight away then it isn't worth trying. I often felt this way when I wanted to leave my teaching job. For me, it would become a sense of it must be now or never. But I couldn't just leave; it wasn't financially viable. So, I would read words like Macaulay's and I would look for the blessings in my situation - the ability to teach part-time at the school of my choice; the days I was able to spend at home; the joy of a morning coffee catch-up with a colleague. And I put my plan in order. I started studying accounting a year before I left teaching, so when I was finally done, it was only a couple of weeks of unemployment before I found a new job. I know I was very lucky, but I'm so glad now that I put that plan into action a year ago. 

I want my life to be a beautiful living picture in the frame of my life. I take words such as these to heart and do my best to see the value in all aspects of my little, humdrum life, everyday. I hope you do too.

Have a wonderful week,
