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Bitesize Inspiration: The Joy of Giving with Isabel Allende


It's the week before Christmas and, as always at this time of year, the thought of buying and giving is foremost in everyone's mind. But the generosity of the season is often overlooked by the need to shop for more and more, often spending money we don't have to give gifts that maybe aren't even wanted.
It's a good time to stop and think about how best we could put our generosity to use. All year I have been participating in the Cheapskates Savings Revolution (you can also sign up for this for 2023 here), and this week Cath included this little story:

One day a wealthy woman was talking with her financial advisor.

"I have a ridiculous relationship with money" she said. "I can't stop it from coming to me. Do you know why?"

"I have no idea" the financial advisor said.

"It's because I'm always giving it away. You have to give to receive. It's the law of circulation" the wealthy woman replied.

The moral of the story: don't be afraid to be generous and your generosity will be rewarded.

It went so well with this week's Bitesize Inspiration from Isabel Allende that I had to include it here. We don't give things so that we may receive things in return, but it does seem to be the case: the more generous we are with our money, our time, our energy, the more of these things we seem to have in return. And if we sit at home hoarding these things, we are going to find ourselves in a lonely position. 

I hope that however you celebrate the coming season, you find something that you can share with others, whether it be time, money or company. I would also like to wish you all a very happy holiday, and thank you all for taking the time to stop by here each week.
