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Bitesize Inspiration: Alter Your Thoughts with William James


William James, American psychologist and philosopher, teaches us a very valuable lesson this week. Alter your thoughts, alter your reality. It is easy these days with the high cost of living, unstable economies and precarious employment to feel that we are no longer in control of our lives. It is easy to focus on the negative and be overwhelmed by what is happening in and to our world. However, if these are the thoughts that we are choosing to dwell on, this will become our reality. The good news is that the reverse is also true. If we change the way that we think, our reality will also begin to change. 

One of the truest ways to change the way we think is to educate ourselves. You all know that I am a real believer in being a lifelong learner, and this doesn't necessarily apply to the classics. If you are suffering financially, then educate yourself on how to be more financially savvy. Learn how to budget and how to cook and shop economically. If you are lonely, then find out ways to become involved in your local community. Visit your local library or church to find classes or programs that you can join (often you don't even have to be a member of the church to be able to participate). If there are problems with your husband or children, find books or counsellors that specialise in these areas and get educated. With the amount of information at our fingertips this week, we should be using it to benefit us, not to drag us down. Life can be tough; we don't need to make it worse by dwelling on negative things. Let's, instead, focus on affirmations, find ways to help ourselves, and in the process, bring a little positivity to the world. 

Have a wonderful week, and thanks for stopping by,
