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Bitesize Inspiration: Self-Help with Samuel Smiles

 This past week we have been sick again, with lots of time spent indoors. I started reading Samuel Smiles' Self-Help, which can be found online here or downloaded for free on Amazon. It was my first time delving into Smiles' writings and there was a lot to take in - some of it I agreed with it, some not. This particular quote was one that caught my eye. Here at It's a Classical Life, I always encourage self-education and being a lifelong learner. We talk about how to look to the classics and those who came before us for our inspiration, in much the same way that Smiles is saying here. 

I also love the way that he emphasises us being the active agents in our own well-being and well-doing and our own best helpers. Sometimes I wonder if we are becoming too reliant on others to help us or fix our problems. Smiles gives many good examples to back this point up, but I'm sure we can all imagine some for ourselves. Cath over at the Cheapskates Club often says in her videos that instead of waiting for the government to rescue us or provide us with the food we need when there are shortages, we should be prepared and ready to help ourselves. I know there are times when we need the help of others (as Smiles also acknowledges) but by making ourselves our "own best helpers" then we know we can depend on ourselves and our own preparations when time gets tough. 

Look to the old ways, read the literature and take on board advice of those who have come before us - all of this adds to our own self-education and puts us in a better position to be of the best possible use throughout our own lives. Increasing our own productivity, developing lifelong skills, being prepared and developing a mindset of self-reliance and even self-sufficiency are all wonderful ways to live a fulfilled life of which we can be proud. 

Please let me know what you think in the comments - do you agree with Smiles?  What have you done to help yourself? Or what would you like to do (or learn to do) in the future to be that active agent that Smiles suggests we all be? Have a wonderful week and stay well.
