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Bitesize Inspiration: Arthur Conan Doyle on The Little Things


Yes! Our great friend, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, hits the nail on the head with this quote! And you might be saying to yourself, yes Kirsty, that's hardly new and exciting inspiration, but if you are anything like me you may need this as a reminder today. Truly the little things are the most important! 
Having a family sit down with a meal at the end of a day. Sharing a laugh with your partner. Enjoying the big open sky, either brilliant in its blueness or endlessly fascinating with its infinite stars. Visiting friends or relatives. Having a cup of tea after a busy day. Meditating or praying in the quiet hours. Giving thanks. Feeling the soil between your fingers and the grass under your toes. 
There are so many little things available for us to enjoy and be mindful of everyday. What little thing do you love the most that makes you stop and smile?
