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Bitesize Inspiration: Tolstoy on the Good Life


There was no Inspired by the Classics article on Saturday. That's because I was busy "doing the good things," as Tolstoy says. I like to read and reflect on the classics, think about how they can have a positive impact on our lives, and share those thoughts and ideas with you here. But we must remember that this is only the first step. To have a good life, we must actually do things. All the talking, reflecting and planning in the world is not going to give us the life that we want to live. 
On Saturday we built a new chicken coop for some of our old girls who aren't laying much anymore and are being bullied by the others. We love them as our pets and want them to enjoy their twilight years in peace and now they have a lovely run where they can scratch and live out their days without being pecked by the others. 
On Sunday we went to the zoo. It was a perfect day. This morning I am back on track in my home, cleaning, baking, gardening and getting ready for another week. All good things.
What about you? Are you a talker or a doer? If I miss a post, please forgive me and know that you can always click on the various tabs at the top of this blog to access all the articles on Inspired by the Classics, Bitesize Inspiration and On Being Prepared. Have a lovely week all - I hope you get to go out and do all the good things 😊
