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Bitesize Inspiration: Rumi on Life

Rumi was a Persian born Sufi mystic and poet. He has left a legacy of deep mindfulness and words that have touched the souls of generations. He is known for many inspiring quotes, thoughts and poems, but I chose this one in particular simply because I thought now, if ever, was the perfect time to think of those around us and to be a light for them. 

So many people are suffering at the moment. It is so easy to be brought down. Now is the time to reach out and help, even if we ourselves are struggling. Our culture tells us now is the time for "self-care" but I believe that more than caring for ourselves, caring for those we love and those in our community will do wonders for our own sense of well-being. Perhaps it is as simple as donating your time or money to a charity close to your heart, reaching out to a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, or having a cuddle with a child who is feeling a little worried. 

What do you think? Is now the time that you could walk like a shepherd?
