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Bitesize Inspiration: Make the Morning Good with Laura Ingalls Wilder

 The first two books that I read for 2022 were These Happy Golden Years and The First Four Years, both part of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie Series. So much trouble and strife happened in these two books, yet Laura's determination and spirit kept them going. I loved reading about the life of mature Laura - working, falling in love, getting married and keeping her own little house. This week's bitesize inspiration is a simple quote really, and reminds us all that the little things, on a daily basis, make all the difference to ourselves and those around us.

I can't tell you how many times I have walked past my colleagues in the hallway (and we're only a little school so we all know each other) and not been greeted with a "good morning", even by my principal! It made me feel quite sad, and I now go out of my way to greet others even if they don't greet me first. I always do it with my husband and children at home too, as I'm nearly always the first one up. It's nice and a simple way to remember good manners in our daily lives. Funny how such a small thing can make a big difference in our lives.

What about you? Have you noticed the difference a "good morning" can make? Could it be something you have neglected? Food for thought.

Have a very good day or night, friends.

Kirsty x
