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Inspired by the Classics ~ 10 Tips for Spring Tranquility

 "September brings up spring: a clearer sky, a warmer air, bluer seas. Flowery battalions different in every state, come to delight us. Birds sing. Everywhere flying wings beat down on us swiftly and passionately as the violins beat down in the Tannhauser Overture."

                                                                            The Home, September 1929

As the seasons start to change I can't help but reflect on how aware I am of it this year. I am seeing buds blooming earlier than I would, seeing the return of the rosellas in my garden and feeling a warmth in the sun that wasn't there before. The wind is still cool, and there has been a fair bit of rain over the last couple of days, but otherwise I am optimistic that the world is turning and spring is coming. So as the seasons change, I thought I would do a list of 10 simple things you can do now to bring some spring tranquility into your life - and if you are in the north and approaching autumn, perhaps you may still find some classic inspiration here for a tranquil autumn. 

1. Enjoy simple pleasures

This works well any time of the year, but for some spring ideas consider getting out for a bike ride, bringing fresh flowers (from the garden or if it's still too cool then from the shop) into your house and taking the time to pause for afternoon tea. Try a new blend or make a sweet treat to enjoy with your afternoon cuppa. It's so important that we are mindful to slow down everyday, in some small way, to savour this season and enjoy the moment. For me, it's putting out bird seed in our holder in the garden and watching the rosellas peck away from my kitchen window. I take some deep breaths and just relax. 

In Mansfield Park, Jane Austen writes: Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings. 

Don't let this spring pass you by in a series of 'busy nothings,' take the time to enjoy it!

2. Get outside regularly

If you enjoy getting outdoors as the weather warms up now is the perfect time to do it. The heat of summer has yet to descend and the cold wind is settling down. You may be able to go for a longer trip, such as a picnic or a Sunday drive to explore a new part of town. If you are in lockdown as we currently are, then walks or bike rides around your neighbourhood are equally pleasant. Take note of how the streets of your neighbourhood are changing. I love autumn in the streets around us as the giant oak and maple trees change colour, but spring is when all the plums, cherries and crepe myrtles are in bloom and the colour is stunning. The air is crisp but not cold, the sun is warm but not burning. Perfect for just fifteen minutes a day even. 

"One day in early spring he [Holmes] had so far relaxed as to go for a walk with me in the Park, where the first faint shoots of green were breaking out upon the elms, and the sticky spearheads of the chestnuts were just beginning to burst into their fivefold leaves."

        The Yellow Face (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes) ~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

If outdoor exercise is not your thing, then simply sitting outside on your deck, porch, in your yard and basking in a few minutes of sun will do you the world of good. My grandmother was always very good about "taking her sun" everyday, and would happily sit (without a book, device or other form of entertainment) and watch the world go by from her little front porch. She would have a cup of tea or glass of water and she always kept her face and eyes protected. For her, sun and water were the cure to many of the body's (and the world's) ills. 

3. Read a book you have not read before

I love the idea of trying a new genre, author or type of book in spring. In spring, the world is re-awakening and it is the perfect time to re-awaken our minds (although hopefully they did not fall too asleep during winter!). Choosing something outside our comfort zone also encourages us to broaden our minds, learn something new or challenge long held beliefs. The point of being lifelong learners lies in picking up a new book, newspaper or magazine and learning something new. It can only do us good!

4. Plan a spring budget

As we get ready for this new, delightful season, look over your finances. Have you been tucking money away in winter or were you wiling away those long, cold nights online shopping? Either way, think about the money that you now have to spend and what you would like to spend it on. Some of the things that I am going to cover in this list may require money, so it's best to decide how much you have and how much you want to spend. Some areas that may require an outlay of funds now include: garden products (including seeds, seedlings, tools, fertilisers etc), spring wardrobe updates, new books or magazine/newspaper subscriptions, new linens and towels (see number 7 on this list) and possibly fresh flowers. 

5. Plant something and watch it grow

This goes without saying for some people, but those who are daunted by the prospect of gardening need not be. There are many plants that will grow, thrive even, despite the greenest thumb or weeks of neglect. Planting something outside in the garden is best, but if you are in an apartment or townhouse something as simple as parsely, mint (which is almost impossible to kill!) lemon balm for early spring colds, or one of the delightfully simple succulents available at your local nursery could be just the ticket. Tender your plant, watch it grow, talk to it. This last one might seem strange but if it's good enough for Prince Charles then it's good enough for me! It's true that plants are good for our environment, to encourage more pollinators into our garden and promote the good health of our planet, but they are also wonderfully good for our own health. In addition, being responsible for another living being can be a wonderful boost to our own sense of responsibility and self-worth. Remember that old song, from little things big things grow...

6. Simplify your spring wardrobe

When we look good, we feel good. Taking the time at the end of one season to plan a simple wardrobe for the upcoming season can do wonders for our self-esteem. Look towards the classics for inspiration - how many characters in classic novels would not go out dressed appropriately? Think on this quote by the Italian Renaissance courtier and author, Baldassare Castiglione:

… I would only add further that he ought to consider what appearance he wishes to have and what manner of man he wishes to be taken for, and dress accordingly.

Think about the way you would like to portray yourself in this coming season. Is it different to what you wore, who you were, last year? Have you changed in your tastes or in your body shape? Are you more refined and wishing to exert the sartorial maxim "quality over quantity" this season? I love this quote from Little Women:

"It is one of her aristocratic tastes, and quite proper, for a real lady is always known by neat boots, gloves and handkerchiefs."

It doesn't mention anything about up-to-the-minute passing trends or fads, although Meg does indulge in her own desire for the trends, but what we want to focus on here is that the things that we own and wear are neat, clean and presentable. Clothes that fit well and bring out our best features (and in the process making us feel good about ourselves) is what we are striving for - however that may look for you! For me, it is all about natural fibres in my clothing. I have found some lovely linen dresses and shirts secondhand on ebay to add to my wardrobe without breaking the bank. Think, plan and be prepared. 

7. Refresh linens, towels and pillows

Now is the time to do a quick inventory of your linens, pillows, towels and quilts. Do any of them need replacing or cleaning? There is nothing nicer than a fresh towel or pillow and nothing turns the nose sour than damp smelling towels or stained linens. Think about textures you would like before you buy. The French are renowned for sleeping on linen sheets. Or perhaps you prefer cotton or silk. Do some research, shop around and remember to always buy the best quality that you can afford. Something as important as the bedding and towels you use everyday deserves a little bit of luxury and no small amount of quality.

8. Clear the clutter and clean what remains

Spring is always the optimal time for a good clear out. Clear the clutter of winter and start fresh in this new season. Let go of things you have been holding on to, either physical or metaphorical and allow yourself to start fresh. We often consider this at the start of the year (which goes quite nicely with our northern hemisphere friends' notion of spring), but for those of us in the south, it is a good time to take stock of our lives and decide what we want to take with us as we move forward. We talked about updating wardrobes and refreshing the linen cupboard, but think further afield. Do you really need three egg whisks and eight sauce pan lids that don't actually fit a pan? The pictures on your wall - are they there because you love them and they bring you joy when you look at them - or are they there because they simply always were? We don't want to spend time cleaning and caring for things that we don't love. Be ruthless now, and let things go! Consider selling things online that are in good condition to help support your spring budget. Once you have done that, you will have a new appreciation for the things that are left behind. Care for them, clean them, tend to them if they need it. Invest time in your home and your surroundings now and by summer you will be thankful that you did. 

9. Revel in winter's final days 

I don't know what it is like where you live, but here we can start to get spring days as early as August. Winter will inevitably return and I always used to loathe it. Now I revel in the return of the cold wintery days. I keep a few favourite woolly jumpers in my cupboard and some stew, soup or casserole fixings on hand. Lighting candles, hunkering down and watching the wind and rain bring colour and light into the spring garden can be just as magical as sunny and bright spring days.

10. Rest and rejuvenate after the cold of winter has passed

We are often tempted to hit the ground running on the first day of spring! To throw off the shackles of winter and hurl ourselves headfirst into endless lists of spring cleaning, shopping, picnics, bike rides...phew! The list goes on and on. But the point here is to enjoy a tranquil spring, not a harried over-scheduled one. Pick a few things to work on each week. Spring lasts for three months after all. There is no rush. Take a nap if you have spent the morning cleaning (or even if you haven't). I find that a lot of sun after months of cold, wintery days can make me quite headachy and fatigued. I also suffer from hay fever, which, if you also suffer from it you will know, can make you quite tired - as can the antihistamines I take to counteract my allergies. If napping isn't your thing, just have a lie down and think about number 1 on this list! Is a bath appealing to you? I enjoy them more now that the bathroom isn't so cold and the water doesn't go tepid within minutes! Use your new book from number 3 and find a quiet place in the garden (if the weather permits) to relax. 

Remember, the key here is tranquility, not irritability. 

Thanks for stopping by to read over my tips for spring tranquility. Please leave a comment below if you have another spring habit that brings peace and refinement to your day.

Kirsty x
